15 ways to keep a relationship working

15 ways to keep a relationship working
15 ways to keep a relationship working
I realize these things are absolutely true and it helped me become more perfect in my job. An you?

1. Love each other
2. Don’t lie
3. Keep communication open
4. Stay sweet
5. When you get hurt, focus on forgiving
6. Never talk about break-ups
7. Never say ‘it’s ok’ when it’s not
8. Learn to put your ego aside
9. If you say 'sorry', mean it
10. Don’t compare your past with your present
11. Don’t talk about your ex’s
12. Practice give and take
13. Be aware of your partner’s feelings
14. After a fight, work on resolving the issue right away; don’t let the days go by
15. Although there is no ‘perfect person’ out there, There is a ‘right one’ for you: TRUE or FALSE

Yes, that is 15 ways to keep a relationship working. Do you agree with these principles? Make it a practice to it. It will be useful for you.