I am loving myself today

I am loving myself today
I am loving myself today
Every time I choose self-care, I choose to consciously be connected to myself. I always feel better when I am connected to myself. Food is just food, life's problems seem more like challenges with solutions to be found. In sum, when I am connected to myself, everything is easier; because when I am connected to myself, I am never alone.

Having myself to fall back on is powerful. I just got off a phone call where someone called me names and yelled at me, and all I could think is "This is about who you are, not who I am". I no longer need anyone else, but me to define who I am. I do not have to allow someone to call me names, and more importantly, I do not have to take on the names others call me. What people think of me is none of my business.

Are you loving yourself today? Because if not now then when? Today, you and I deserve our own self love and care.