Letter to the men: art of love

Letter to the men: art of love
Letter to the men: art of love

To those of you who because a lady loves you & desperation misled- disorganised her to your arms, where deep down you, you don't truly love her, rather, you take her love to your own advantage, May God expose you & May Karma HIT you hard.

Most of these men who do this don't even do so from a bad mind initially, rather, its when they tell their foolish friends how they got her, then would they advice them to mistreat & control them, even through Charms..

Ohh! How evil minded can most people be... You'd see a lady who out of love, would rent a flat, financially take responsibility of everything about them "ALL FOR LOVE", to extent of giving almost whole of her monthly salary to him, "ALL FOR LOVE". But you'd think its mostly with a clear eye! No it's not! That's a remote control charm he has used on her (from a bad friend's advice).

Dear ladies! Never be desperate for a man! When you do, he'd use it against you. It's not a crime to love, but it's a crime to be stupid in love.

And men! It's not a crime for a lady to desire or approach you, but its a crime when you know you don't love her or find her desirable & yet, falsely accept her.

Even if you start having feelings for her, never tell your friends shit about it. Learn to control your mouths on how it runs with your friends, mostly about your relationship or marital issues.