What are your bad habits and personalities |
Your bad habit is when you have not like, vote for the interesting and useful things
Have you ever logged into facebook, Google Plus (G +) or Twitter to read the status and comments, see photos ... but not like or share, even though you feel those are the articles or the interesting photos, new and "hot" things?
It's a bad habit that you should give up. Make you feel like it's really interesting, useful for you. And you should read this one below.
They are a with on the on social networks:
1. They upload the pics everyday. Just to get likes and comments but when they see other people's pics she or he click the next page.
2. They only answer names like sexy, baby, doll, slim, tosh, melon, sweet, sex dopeassbaby, hot, straw beery, sugar, tipsy, jewel etc...
3. They attack you when you say the truth about them.
4. They make some guys to see the truth but yet get confused.
5. They make stupid status and get 500 likes and 2,000 comments from stupid guys who comment just to get favour from them.
6. They are always online especially in the night.
7. They are always ugly.
8. They no want to marry early yet they keep updating I love my boss, my guy is the best in the world, love on air.
9. They are reading this and won't comment. Because they know I am saying the truth.
10. If you don't comment that means you are a witch too.
So, what are your bad habits and personalities? Have you ever liked and shared the posts on my site?