Left eye blinking - twitching for female and male means and causes

Left eyes blinking - twitching for female and male means and superstition
Left eye twitching for female

Left eye twitching causes and means - Why are saccades an important aspect of vision? What does left eye blinking mean?

Many Westerners think that the left eye twitching is a reflection of the body, may be due to your body lacks micronutrients, or by the effects of mental states - such as tension, stress, largely due to lack of sleep, insomnia.

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But almost people in the Orient are not just think so. They always believe that: left eye blinking means have a portent.

Left eye blinking - twitching for female and male means and causes
Left eye blinking - twitching for female and male means and causes

Asians always think that left eye twitching and superstition are two things which are related to each other.

According to the opinion of the Asians (the East - the Orient), if your left eye twitched at different times it would indicate the different problems and portents (omens - foreshadowing).

Left eye blinking - twitching for female and male means and causes
Left eye blinking - twitching for female and male means and causes

So, what are your left eye blinking meaning and twitching causes?

1. And here are the left eye twitching causes if this phenomenon is occurring with you:

2. From 23 PM to 1 AM: There is a distant friends will visit you.

3. From 1 AM to 3 AM: You will to have something upset by relatives or friends cause you.

4. From 3 AM to 5 AM: Some people will bring fortune, money or opportunity to make money to you.

5. From 5 to 7 AM: Someone is quietly helping you, and you will receive good news in the next few days.

Left eye blinking - twitching for female and male means and causes
Left eye blinking - twitching for female and male means and causes

6. From 7 to 9 AM: You will have guests to disturb.

7. From 9 to 11 AM: You are invited to eat by someone.

8. From 11 AM to 13 PM: There is someone will to bring good news for you

9. From 13 PM to 15 PM: The good news coming

10. From 15 to 17 PM: You are experiencing unexpected love story. Someone who is secretly in love with you

11. From 17 PM to 19 PM: You'll catch a luxurious guest to your home to talk about marriage, or talk business.

12. From 19 to 21 PM: Your plan almost succeeded

13. From 21 to 23 PM: Some visitors will come to your home.

Left eye blinking - twitching for female and male means and causes
Left eye blinking - twitching for female and male means and causes

Why is your left eye constantly twitching? This is a problem for both of female and male. If your left eye twitching just a moment or as long as in one day so you do not need to worry. But if the problem occurs several days and have at risk of becoming a disease, you should see your eye doctor.

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Your left eye and right eye are different:

More Information

My left eye upper lid eye recently twitched consistently for hours until I had no choice but to conduct some research on what causes eye twitching. I googled left eye twitch and got a pop up topic that made me want to research more, ‘’left eye twitching good or bad luck”

Left eye twitching after blinking
Left eye twitching after blinking

Many of the results I got revealed that a lot of facts are taken into consideration when it comes to defining what the twitching means in a mythical clarification. However health wise research states that doctors can treat this short-term or long-term problem that you might also encounter.

Medically twitches are referred to as myokymia and can be caused by:

Too much Caffeine intake
Eye Strain
Lack of Vitamin B 12
Lack of Vitamin D
Cornea inflammation
Lack of adequate sleep

All of these factors do not seem to have any back links to any good or bad luck myths.  But culturally the twitching of the left eye can either mean good fortune or bad luck. The lower twitching of the left eye in Cameroon means that you might soon shed tears while Nigerians believe that bad luck is coming your way.

The Chinese believe that the twitching of the left eye means that you will receive good news, good luck is on your side for men. However for women it’s the opposite it means bad luck. The Chinese also value the time at which your eye twitches. Time can also determine the meaning of the twitch. While  Indians believe the opposite of what the Chinese’s believe in.

Physical sensations such as eye twitches and tics have been accorded a greater sensation in China than in the West. In the West, there are traditions such as if your ear burns, someone is talking about you, but China has developed a highly complex system of fortune telling based upon these sensations. This post here is based on writing in The Chinese Almanac or Tung Shu and has its history for thousands of years in China.

Left eye twitching all day meaning
Left eye twitching all day meaning

The most important aspect is to remember when you first felt the sensation. Then refer to the period of time listed below to see what the meaning of this sign is. Please do not take this guide as the gospel truth and actual prediction as it is only a form of beliefs practised in the olden days in China.

11pm – 1am

Twitches or tics in the left eye means a noblemen will come to see you. If the right it means you will be invited to a party or feast.

1am – 3am

If in the left eye, this means that something will happen to worry you. If the right eye, then someone is thinking about you.

3am – 5am

If in the left eye, this means that a friend from afar will come and visit you. If the right eye, this means a happy event awaits you.

5am – 7am

In the left eye, this means that a special guest will come. If in the right eye, then everything will go well.

7am – 9am

In the left eye, this means a close friend will come from afar. If in the right eye, then expect a slight injury.

9am – 11am

In the left eye, this means you will go to a party or feast. If the right eye, you will have a quarrel or a disaster.

11am – 1pm

If the left eye, this means you will eat and drink heartily. If the right eye, beware or there will be a disaster.

1pm – 3pm

In the left eye, this means that you are safe and plans go well. In the right eye, it means that you will have a minor happy event.

3pm – 5pm

In the left eye, it means you will lose money. In the right eye, then you will be thinking of your loved one very much.

5pm – 7pm

In the left eye, this means a guest is coming. This is also true for the right eye, but from far away.

7pm -9pm

In the left eye, this means a guest is coming. In the right eye, it means you will go to a big gathering.

9pm – 11pm

In the left eye, it means that a friend is coming. In the right eye, beware of trouble in court.

Eye twitching: is there a Feng Shui significance? 

Yesterday (time of posting may not be time of writing) a reader in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia contacted me to ask me about eye twitching. It was significant enough for her to be bothered and get in touch with me.

Her left eye has been twitching several times a day, mostly at the same time frame, and also for several days.

Left eye twitching meaning
Left eye twitching meaning
Eye twitching is normal and there is a scientific explanation to it. However, if it happens roughly at about the same time, for several days, it usually signifies that there is something about to happen. It is basically your body feeling the energy of your aura, which in turn is affected by the energies of the universe, especially the ones that has something to do with you.

So when your eyes twitch it usually means that there is a message for you. The message can be either good or bad, this is usually determined whether it was your left or right eye that twitches, time of day, and sometimes even number of days.

The message could be as mundane as getting a visitor or it can be something more serious like getting some huge financial luck or it can be because of a pending danger.

However, the truth is normally I don’t bother myself with knowing the details. When an eye twitches I usually recommend that you just do the following ritual.

Left eye twitching means
Left eye twitching means

Go outside your house. Inside the gate will do just make sure your outside of the house.
Get a pinch of salt and throw it over your left shoulder (if left eye is the one twitching) or over your right shoulder (if right eye is the one twitching).

Do this for one day to three days. If continues then do it for seven days. The twitching should stop by then.

If you’re Buddhist or believes in the power of mantras, do the following instead:

Go outside of your house. Inside the gate will do just make sure you’re outside of the main house.

Then get a pinch of salt and throw it over your left shoulder if the left is the one twitching or right eye if it is the right eye that twitches.

Then chant the following mantras 3x each: OM MANI PADME HUM and OM AH HUM HO HAM KSHAMALA VARAYA HUM PHAT.

Do this for one to three days. If it continues then do it for seven days.

left eye twitching good luck
Left eye twitching good luck
The good thing with this is that you don’t have to bother yourself with whether the twitching is good or bad. Because by doing this simple ritual you take out the bad luck, but if its good luck then it either has no effect or it enhances it.

Gave this recommendation to my reader and she sent a messaged to inform me that her eyes has stopped twitching.