10 best and touching things of your mother you might not know

10 best and touching things of your mother you might not know
Who did the person give birth to you

What are things your mother never told you? Do you know the truths and secrets of your mother? I think, this is the best touching and meaningful article about the mothers you should read.

Here are 10 things about your mother that probably you have not or never know.

1. You often made her cry
2. She was watching you while you were sleeping
3. It hurt
4. She was always afraid
5. She knows that she isn’t perfect
6. She wanted the last cookie
7. She carried you for way more than a few months
8. She was sad when you cried
9. You were always first!
10. She would do it all over again

1. You often made her cry

You made her cry when she found out that she was pregnant. She cried when she gave you food. She cried the first time she held you in her arms… She cried with joy. She cried because she was scared. She cried because of the countless nights without sleep. She still cries because she loves you so much. She cried when you cried.

2. She was watching you while you were sleeping

At some point, she sat up all night just to watch your beautiful face while you were sleeping. When you couldn’t fall asleep she sang a song for you. Even though she was tired herself she stayed up just to make sure you fell asleep. When you finally fell asleep, she stayed up for a little bit longer, just to look at you. She enjoyed the quietness and she watched how your face expressed more love than possible.

3. It hurt

It hurt when you pulled her hair. It hurt when you grabbed her skin with your long nails. It hurt when she breastfed you and you bit her. It hurt when you kicked and punched her. It hurt her so much when she was carrying you for 9 months and it hurt even more when she gave birth to you. But she never told you; because all she wanted was for you to be happy.

4. She was always afraid

Right from the moment you were born, she did everything in her power to protect you. She became the woman who turned down her friends when they asked to hold you, because she felt that no one in the entire world could hold you as safe and secure as she could. Her heart skipped a beat when you took your first steps. She stayed up all night just to make sure you got home safe, and she woke you up in the morning so you could go to school. Every time you got hurt, she was the first one to help you.. And every time you were sick, she stayed home just to be with you and to make sure that you were okay. She tries her best to protect you and she always will.

5. She knows that she isn’t perfect

She is tough on herself.. She knows all her flaws, and sometimes she hates herself for it. But the toughest times are when it’s about you.. She wanted to be the perfect mom, and not make any mistakes – but it is only human to fail which she did sometimes. She still tries to forgive herself for the mistakes she made.. She wishes, with all of her heart, that she could go back in time and fix these mistakes, but she cant. So be good to her, and let her know that she did her best and that you appreciate it..

6. She wanted the last cookie

But when she saw you sitting there with your big eyes looking hungry she simply couldn’t say no to you. Because whenever you were happy, she was happy.

7. She carried you for way more than a few months

She learned to carry you while cleaning. She learned to carry you while cooking, while she cleared the dinner table and while she washed the dishes. She carried you all the time, she even carried you while sleeping. Her arms were tired, her back hurt. Her body went through a lot of changes, just for you. But when you came into this world, she knew it was all worth it. When she held you in her arms, she was happy..

8. She was sad when you cried

Nothing hurt as much as when you cried. There was no sight that hurt her more, than watching you run away with tears down your face.. She did everything to make you happy again, and when it didn’t succeed, it hurt her..

9. You were always first!

She hadn’t had any food all day. She didn’t shower for the last two days. She only slept 5 hours the last two days. She always put you first. When she got home from work and mostly felt like sleeping, she always took care of you first. If you were hungry, she made you food. If you were sad, she talked with you. She did anything in her power to keep you happy, and she always chose you before herself..

10. She would do it all over again

Being a mother is the toughest job in the world. You cry, it hurts, you try, you fail, you work and you learn. But you also feel more joy than you thought was possible. The joy you feel when you see your child happy beats everything. Despite all the pain, sleepless nights and the early mornings, she would still do it all over again, just for you.

Do you usually think of your mother? What are you thinking of while you are reading this post? Perhaps this will leave you in tears!  If you are a filial piety person, be sure share or like this post. Thank for share the 10 secrets your mother probably never told you.

Here are all of touching stories you should read - Another post of the mother: 10 reasons to be grateful to your mother or the death of a mother