Men always want to be a woman's first love

Men always want to be a woman's first love
The best quotes about love

Some quotes of love for you. You should read them to know it is right or wrong. Be sure share them to your friend or your wall:

1 - Women fall in love to stay in love forever. They don't dump men unless they are lied to or cheated upon. Because believe it or not a woman will never give up on a man if she trust him and believes in him.

2 - You are not the easiest person on earth to love and neither am I,you have habits I wish we could altar and sometimes you say the craziest things. I wonder who are you? But I do the same,you love me like nobody has and no one would ever could! And I do the same sweetheart I love you like no one ever has and I love you like no one ever could.

3- Men always want to be a woman's first love but women want to be a man's last romance.

Please read more all of best quotes love if you ẹnjoy. Source: 
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